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Making a Difference

Welcome to International Countryside School, where young minds flourish in an immersive and diverse learning ecosystem. Since our establishment in 2014, we have been committed to empowering pupils to excel academically while embracing cultural diversity.

International Countryside School

Personalized learning
Family-school partnership

Early years education
From 6 months

Multicultural environment
Learning through play

Trips to our family farm
Pony riding


Open during summer

Trained Professionals
Teachers, Nannies, Nurses

Graduates most often continue to these schools:

I highly recommend the Countryside School Prague to any parent seeking a nurturing and enriching environment for their child's early learning and development.

Petr Bláha



  • What are the vaccination requirements for children?
    All children must be up to date on their vaccinations, except for children in the compulsory pre-school year.
  • What is the age range for children?
    Our school accept children from 6 months old to 6-7 years old (preschoolers) through the all academic year.
  • Is the kindergarten registered with the Ministry of Education?
    Yes, the kindergarten is registered with the Ministry of Education.
  • Do you have a credit system for nursery school attendance?
    We currently do not offer this option.
  • What communication system do you use with parents?
    We use the Twigsee system, which allows us to send parents individual messages during the adaptation program, photos of daily activities, special events, and important information about the nursery school's operation. Parents use it to inform school about pupil absence.
  • How do you deal with sick children? Is it possible to give children medication in the kindergarten?
    We ask parents to respect the school rules and the health of others. No, we are not allowed to give medication by law.
  • What is the maximum class size?
    The maximum class size is 10 children.
  • Can I enroll my child even if they wear diapers, cannot walk yet, or cannot eat on their own?
    Yes, children can attend the nursery school even if they still wear diapers, cannot walk yet, or cannot eat on their own. The nursery school is fully equipped for this and is staffed accordingly.
  • How do we get to your kindergarten - there is a ban on driving in the nature park?
    Before entering the kindergarten, we ask parents to provide the license plate of their car, which they will use to transport their child to the kindergarten. We then pass this information on to the City Hall, which will issue us a summary permit to enter the nature park.
  • Does the kindergarten offer Czech language lessons?
    Yes, Czech language lessons are offered to children in the pre-school year.
  • Is the entire program in English?
    Yes, but we do offer czech lessons and preschooler class is biligual (voluntary for foreigners).
  • What if my child does not speak English?
    It is not a problem if your child does not speak English. Children learn English through play, and they will gradually learn to understand and speak the language.
  • How does the kindergarten help children who don't speak English adjust and learn the language?
    Their lack of English isn't a problem. Children learn through play, understanding first, then speaking. Some even learn to think in English, aiding correct sentence structure.
  • Can you describe the adaptation program for new children? How long does it usually takes to settle down?
    Our adaptation program is invidividual for each family according to their needs and also all things that children needs to thive (like security, stability, consistensy, emotional support, love, education…) We cooperate with parents on every day bases to know all possible changes that might affect the adaptation program (lack of sleep, sickness, any change of daily routine at home- visitors, reconstruction, moving…) The first day, the child spends the school day with the parent, Later on the child spends more time without the parent in the classroom/kindergarten but the parent can stay at school. During this time, progress updates and photos are sent via Twigsee. And at the end of AP child is able to separate from parent without any difficulities. It usually takes about two weeks to settle down in their first school in case there is any previous experience it could be even faster.
  • How does the adaptation program work?
    The adaptation program is unique to each child and parent's needs. On the first day, the child attends with the parent. Gradually, the time the child spends in the kindergarten without the parent in the classroom or on the premises increases. During this period and the parent's absence, we regularly send photos and progress updates through the Twigsee program. In practice, this means: On the first day, the child arrives with the parent and leaves after two hours of the program in the classroom. The next day, the stay at the kindergarten is extended. However, the parent leaves the room for the last guided activity to help the child develop an attachment to one of the teachers who will care for them. If the child cries, we strive to comfort them according to the parent's advice or our experience. After a while, the parent returns, and they both go home. In the following days, the number of activities the child completes without the parent increases until only the morning drop-off and goodbye remain.
  • How long does the adaptation program last?
    The adaptation program is for new children for the first two months. The actual adaptation itself is usually much shorter, but it naturally varies based on the individual child.
  • How long will I be able/need to stay with my child during the adaptation program?
    This situation is very individual. Children accustomed to being with a nanny or babysitter generally cope better than children strongly attached to one or both parents. Some children take weeks to get used to it, while others surprise their parents by sending them home because they no longer need them and can stay in the kindergarten alone.
  • What are the opening hours of the kindergarten?
    The kindergarten is open from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
  • Is only morning/afternoon attendance possible?
    Morning attendance is usually necessary during the adaptation program. However, most parents then choose full-day attendance. We do not offer an afternoon-only program, as most educational activities take place in the morning.
  • How are short-term/long-term absences handled?
    We do not provide refunds for short-term absences. A discount on tuition is offered for absences of more than 1 calendar month that are reported in advance.
  • Can I increase/decrease attendance during the school year?
    Yes, both options are possible. The additional costs will be invoiced after agreement.
  • What holidays do you have during the school year?
    The kindergarten only observes public holidays, but we have Christmas holidays starting in the 3rd week of December.
  • Is the kindergarten open in the summer/do you do summer camps?
    Yes, during the summer holidays we offer Summer camp theme program from 8:00-17:00.
  • Do you go outside with the children? Do you have a playground?
    Yes, we go for walks with the children in the surroundings of Divoká Šárka. Unfortunately, we do not have a playground.
  • Do the children watch TV at your place?
    No, we do not have a TV in the kindergarten. We prefer other forms of education.
  • What kind of extracurricular activities do you have in your kindergarten (swimming, ceramics, dancing, musical instruments)?
    We do not have extracurricular activities, but the children have cooking, yoga, music and art classes as part of their education.
  • How often do the children go to the farm?
    The children go to the farm regularly every week, depending on current conditions. Sometimes the ponies come to our kindergarten and then the pony riding lessons take place in the surroundings of the kindergarten.
  • How do you get to the farm? Do the parents have to drive or do you have your own bus?
    The children are transported by bus provided by us from the kindergarten building.
  • My child has an allergy to gluten, lactose, etc. Can you provide them with suitable food or should I bring my own food?
    Yes, for lunch, our supplier will send us a separate dietary version of the lunch. We will take care of snacks after consultation with the parents (regarding preferences for specific foods). However, it is also possible for the parent to bring their own food.
  • Who is the supplier of school catering? Do you also deliver snacks or do you prepare them yourself?
    The current supplier of lunches is Jídelna na Krejcárku. We prepare snacks ourselves in the kindergarten. Every day, the children have a "sweet and savory" snack supplemented with fresh vegetables and fruit.
  • What kind of food do the children have - special requirements regardless of allergies - vegetarian, only organic, etc.?
    Individual catering is arranged with the management of the kindergarten.
  • Do you give children sweets as rewards?
    No, we do not give children any sweets in our kindergarten. During cooking classes, we might bake some sweet pastry like cookies and children might taste a bit after previous agreement with parents. The fully serving and consumption is at the discretion of the parent.
  • What is the teacher-student ratio?
    The teacher-student ratio is 1:5.
  • Does the kindergarten have a psychologist or speech therapist?
    No, the kindergarten does not currently have a psychologist or speech therapist, but one of the staff members has qualifications as a speech therapy assistant.
  • Does the kindergarten have a nurse?
    Yes, the kindergarten has a nurse, but she is not certified in the Czech Republic.
  • What are the qualifications of the teaching staff?
    All teaching staff have a teaching qualification or equivalent experience.
  • Does the kindergarten have a native speaker?
    The kindergarten does not currently have a native speaker, but is looking for one.
  • Searching for an English speaker preschool teacher.
    We are currently looking for an English native speaker preschool teacher. Are you interested? Please contact us for further information.

School News

Contact us

+420 773 017 757
+420 607 987 104

Na Džbánu 560, Liboc, 161 00 Praha - Praha 6, Czech Republic

Prepare your child for a future of global success by enrolling them in International Countryside-school, where they'll foster their love of learning, develop essential skills, and build lifelong friendships.

We offer an innovative English-language learning environment that nurtures your child's curiosity and prepares them for a bright future. Contact us to schedule a tour and discover how we can enrich your child's education.

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+420 773 017 757
+420 607 987 104

Na Džbánu 560, Liboc, 161 00 Praha - Praha 6, Czech Republic
IČO: 03820955


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